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000330_owner-lightwave-l _Wed Oct 19 10:10:57 1994.msg
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Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 09:22:19 -0500 (CDT)
From: Shawn Joyce <JOYCES@ACM.ORG>
Subject: Re: Lightwave for Windows
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> How about if you just used the ppc to do the modeling and/or
>scene setups/animation and rendered on a real pc? Would this be feasible?
>Hmmm. Also, since I already have a PPC, whatare my options? Do I
>*have* to buy a damn PC just to run this one program?!
I've been looking forward to the new houdini card. Rumor has it that it
will be released next month for about $250. It is possible if apple has
fixed the houdini's networking capabilities that you could have an external
pc rendering farm and use the mac as the interface to lightwave (as well as
texture generation with photoshop). Softwindows does do networking with
softnode (I believe it is included with the PPC version of softwindows) but
your modeling under softwindows would be very slow. I seriously doubt that
lightwave would even run under softwindows because it emulates a 286 processor
right now. If Lightwave requires a 386 or greater, which I expect it will,
then softwindows won't be able to run it until insignia releases the next
version which is supposed to do 486 emulation. Don't hold your breath till it
comes out though. The 486 version of softwindows was to be released at the end
of last summer. The last report said they are now estimating that it won't be
released until the beginning of next year. Who knows, if they get their act
together and release an emulator that runs as well as apples mac emulator,
we just might be able to run the pc lightwave at reasonable speeds on a PPC mac.
Shawn Joyce